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Optimal, harmonized value chains 

Industry 4.0, digitalization, globalization, and topics like lot size 1 and big data are revolutionizing your business and placing new demands on your planning processes. With our support, your supply chain will be optimally equipped to take on the future. 

We can identify critical success factors along the supply chain, analyze weaknesses, identify improvement potential, and develop tailored SCM solutions. We'll examine your value chain(s) all the way from your suppliers to your end customers; from medium-/long-term demand planning to the optimization of your network and inventory planning; and from coordination in S&OP to short-term distribution and transportation planning. 

Our Services

Demand planning

Demand planning is the central starting point for a rolling planning process. The goal is to devise a high-quality demand plan in order to realize high customer satisfaction in the downstream planning processes with low capital lockup through low inventory levels, all while maintaining strong delivery readiness. 

The plan is then consolidated among all the involved areas and departments in the planning cycle and rounded out with short-term planning to optimize existing medium-term planning based on the latest market data.

Suitable SAP solutions:

SAP IBP for Demand and Demand Sensing

SAP APO Demand Planning (DP)

Inventory planning

Inventory management focuses on reducing capital lockup and ordering costs while maintaining high delivery performance and readiness for your customers. To achieve these goals, you have to define the optimal safety stocks or order levels for every product within your complex logistics network and adapt them dynamically in response to changing market-influencing factors. You can then respond to changing requirements as needed.

Contact us and let's revolutionize your inventory planning together.

Suitable SAP solution:

SAP IBP Inventory Planning

Network planning

The planning of logistics networks is become ever more complex due to increasing customer requirements, growing numbers of logistics partners, and simultaneous cost pressure. Based on your demand planning, sales orders, and network parameters, requirements are distributed along your supply chain. Procurement and production are controlled with inventories in mind. 

Consideration of the entire network in your planning, in combination with the powerful tools from SAP and our SCM expertise, can help you consistently achieve optimal results in your network planning process. 

Suitable SAP solutions:

SAP IBP for Response & Supply

SAP APO Supply Network Planning (SNP)

Transportation planning

Efficient, reliable transportation solutions that can be planned in the short term are of key importance. Your customers expect ever smaller delivery windows. With efficient transportation planning, you can keep track of the big picture while lowering your shipping costs and transportation times, which will ensure high utilization of your load carriers at all times. We can support you with the efficient planning of your shipments.

Contact our experts and let us advise you.

Suitable SAP solutions:

SAP Transportation Management (TM)

APO Supply Network Planning Transport Load Builder

Sales & operations planning

Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) – that is, the synchronization of demand and network planning, is one of the main challenges in the planning process. 

To make the best decisions in bottleneck situations, various scenarios are simulated and compared, taking cost and yield aspects (revenue and profit) into account. 

These decisions are then implemented in demand and network planning.

Suitable SAP solution:



Monitoring your supply chain is becoming increasingly important due to the need to maintain delivery performance and product availability even as you reduce your supply chain costs and minimize your overall inventory levels. This in turn requires the consolidation of messages, warnings, and information from all systems. Alerts point out where planners need to act, while KPIs let you optimize your supply chain for the long term. Meanwhile, the ability to monitor and control your operational and tactical supply chain in real time will ensure the agility of your enterprise.

Suitable SAP solution:

SAP IBP Supply Chain Control Tower

Our experts will work with you to find your optimal technical solution

Service Offerings

Check-Up Workshop

A detailed presentation of the system modules, their potential uses, and an initial joint evaluation of relevant functions that takes account of the essential processes in your company.

Duration: ½ day


We work with you to review the maturity of your processes for integrated planning and we help you to draw up a road map.

Duration: Depends on the scope and complexity of your processes (usually 1-5 days)

System Demonstration

Live presentation of modern planning processes in a state-of-the-art planning system.

Duration: ½ day

Proof of Concept

We use your data to simulate the feasibility of several exemplary processes from your portfolio in our demonstration system, based on your definition of targets.

We then evaluate the quality of the results together with regard to the business value for you.

Process Design

Relying on our many years of experience with process modeling, we work together with you to develop your future planning processes. To speed things up, we use our Scheer performanceREADY database, which contains the essence of more than 10,000 projects.


We implement your planning processes efficiently in SAP IBP, based on our many years of experience in implementing planning processes and utilizing available templates and reference processes.

Application Support

Even after you go live, we’ll be happy to support you with the operation of your new solution. Our experienced support team will assist you with user questions and with topics like maintenance, monitoring, and system adjustments.

Further information about SCM

Your expert

A profile of Scheer CTO Dr. Wolfram Jost

Wolfram Busch

Expert Supply Chain Management