Getting better, getting faster, producing cheaper: Many companies are currently facing these challenges - yours too?
Companies are fit for the future if they manage to adapt their processes flexibly to changing market conditions and save costs wherever possible. The switch to SAP S/4HANA Cloud is often discussed in this context. A good opportunity for a fact check on the myths, stumbling blocks and potential of SAP's leading ERP system.
There is a widespread assumption that SAP S/4HANA is only worthwhile for large companies due to its complexity. However, SMEs and growth-oriented companies in particular benefit from the SAP solution, as existing ERP systems often offer few development options. SAP S/4HANA Cloud in the Public or Private Edition is scalable, cost-transparent and ready-to-run - the perfect basis for company growth with continuous innovation and optimization. In the long term, innovation will take place in the cloud - so why not switch now and take advantage of the benefits sooner?
SAP S/4HANA Cloud is a complete SaaS ERP solution and integrates intelligent technologies such as AI, machine learning and advanced analytics. It allows you to design and optimize business processes based on standardized best practices - for the present and the future. With SAP S/4HANA as a cloud ERP system, innovation and expansion are possible without major restrictions and offer your business future security thanks to scalability and flexibility.
GROW with SAP enables rapid entry into the cloud with a comprehensive range of services. It includes the SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP). It can be used to extend SAP applications, integrate landscapes and 3rd party applications, link processes and experiences, make informed decisions and drive business innovation. Also available: Preconfigured industry best practices to optimize TCO, ROI and time-to-value
One stumbling block when switching to the SAP S/4HANA Cloud can be covering all previous functionalities, as well as adapting processes so that company requirements are optimally met. Accompanying change management measures are crucial for a successful transition. All end users/users should be involved in the changeover from the outset. Within the organization, it is important to develop a “cloud mindset” among all stakeholders. This is because SAP's strategy is very clear at this point: in future, innovations will only be possible with the cloud, whether it's AI components such as SAP Joule or Generative AI or staying up to date in general.
Despite the myth, the Public Cloud is also suitable for companies that may not initially fit the typical profile. One example of this is locations that do not need to map all business areas, such as national offices or sales locations.
Current problems can be solved better - future problems don't even arise. Thanks to SAP S/4HANA Cloud and BTP, you can react flexibly to all future challenges and there is still enough room for innovation and growth. According to a survey, 84% of German companies were already using Private or Public Cloud services in their company in spring 2022.
Companies that integrate technologies such as AI, Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics and IoT into their business processes according to the Intelligent Enterprise concept will become more agile, efficient and competitive thanks to data-based decisions.